My name is Brynley Llewellyn-Roux.

I am a software engineer based in Sydney, Australia.

I have 7 years of programming experience and I'm currently working at Matrix AI.

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Profile Picture
Grid of various icons.

I like to dabble in various different technologies and languages. I have many personal projects, primarily low-level development for game engines and web dev.

You can find all of my personal projects on github.

about me

  • 19 years old
  • i go by she/her pronouns
  • studying software engineering @ UTS
  • nixos enjoyer, uses nixos on all my devices
  • likes spinny skirts :3

langs i know

  • rust
  • c++
  • ts/js
  • html/css
  • ...a lot more (check out my github to see more)
  • eng, fr, jp

here's the website source code if you want it :3

source code